THS Careers programme 2016/17



Self-awareness = Explore my skills

Opportunities = Know where I can find help and who to ask

Decision Making and Transition = Make informed GCSE options choices

Current Year 9 programme includes sessions (assemblies/ lessons/workshops):

You can expect to answer the following questions:

What subjects can I choose from?

Where might these choices lead?

Will these choices affect my further study or training?

Where do I look for careers information? Who can I ask? Where can I access information in and outside school (ie the human face of careers in school Ansbury Guidance and the technological resources available) What are my skills? How can I develop my skills?


Who to ask for guidance:

Mr J Dean   Careers Co-ordinator
Mrs C Hymas  Ansbury Guidance  Careers
Mrs C SainsburyUCAS
Mrs K Taylor Sixth Form FUTURES
Mrs V Needham Professional Pathways Co-ordinator